Web-Based Digital Reality Safety Training

December 2022

Recognizing the paramount importance of safety in Pertamina's industrial settings, an innovative web-based interactive safety training solution was initiated to enhance the knowledge and readiness of employees in handling fire emergencies and providing first aid.

Aptly named Digital Reality, this initiative marked the first basic training endeavor aimed at ensuring every team member could effectively respond to workplace incidents, particularly those related to fire extinguisher usage and first aid measures. The digital platform, characterized by its user-friendly interface, allowed for immersive learning experiences through simulations and interactive modules.

These modules were meticulously designed to replicate real-life scenarios, thereby enabling employees to practice and refine their emergency response skills in a controlled, virtual environment. The inclusion of quizzes and feedback mechanisms further ensured that the training was not only engaging but also reinforced learning outcomes.

Considering Pertamina's massive workforce of more than 13000 people, accessibility was a key feature, allowing employees to undertake training at their own pace and convenience, thereby fostering a culture of continuous learning and safety awareness. The training's comprehensive nature covered various types of fire extinguishers, their appropriate uses, and detailed first aid procedures, making it an indispensable resource for all staff. This proactive approach to safety education underscored the commitment to maintaining a safe working environment, significantly reducing the risk of accidents and injuries. As a result, the workforce became more confident in their ability to manage emergencies, reflecting positively on operational safety standards.

The successful implementation of this web-based training solution set a precedent for future safety initiatives, highlighting the critical role of technology in enhancing workplace safety and preparedness.